Whether you’re looking to consolidate credit cards, make purchases with a low, fixed interest rate or build credit we have the Visa Credit Card for you. Your only question is when you’ll apply.
Visa Credit Card and Student Visa Credit Card
- Low, fixed rate and no rate tiers
- No annual fee
- Shop anywhere you see the Visa logo
- Local decisions with fast turnaround time
- Fraud protection
Savings Secured Visa Credit Card
- Secured by your savings
- No annual fee
- Fraud protection
- Shop anywhere you see the Visa logo
- Great option to build credit
- Fixed rate makes your credit card easy to manage, never worry about increasing rates
- No annual fees means your credit card doesn’t cost any more than it should
- Credit cards offer peace of mind during an emergency – have funds when you need it
Personalize Your Credit Card:
- Convenient account access through online banking
- Enroll in Manage My Cards on the CALCOE mobile app for added transaction security like amount and online/phone transaction alerts. Plus turn your credit card on or off if the card is ever lost or stolen.
Debt Protection
Unexpected life events can happen without notice. You can help yourself and your loved ones through death, disability, unemployment and more by being prepared for the financial changes that come along with these difficult situations. Debt Protection will cover your loan payment or possibly forgive your loan depending on the type of event.
Interest Rate – Rates are subject to change without notice. APR is based on the amount you finance, the term (length) of your contract and our evaluation of your credit history. A $10,000.00 loan, at a 5-year term, 5.20% interest rate and 5.61% APR would be repayable in 60 monthly payments of $191.53 each. Credit Approval – All accounts subject to credit approval. License fee – Borrower is responsible for any tax and licensing fees. Late payment fee – Minimum of $30 and maximum of $45 on any minimum payment not paid within 10 days after due date. Minimum monthly payments – Minimum monthly payment of principal and interest amortized for term of loan with minimum amount due of $45.